gathered on my reproach. So I threw the whole wardrobe clothes for flat space, then I went and threw 89% of my socks, since all have been tricked poprzecierane and riddled by forces hostile to me (I suspect that a Chinese deity, which unsubscribed incredible stories), and then everything nice poukładałem, before he found quite a few tolerable (not: worn, although these are a few I found) clothes. It all smells suspiciously (again, these damn socks) and that is the case. I feel like a holiday. It will be a holiday trip sponsored by the tribal elders, whose goal will be Solar Sziczilja. We set out in these shoots tomorrow at 3.00 (out of necessity to come to the airport 2 hours prior to departure. Biuropodróżnych hate these instructions!).
I hope you burn in the sun, spray of orange juice, eat me bloodthirsty wasps and cicadas, the volcano explodes on me, the mafia will cut my fingers, I swallow the jellyfish, I will dwell in the eye of an amoeba, nadepnę the sea urchin, sharks bite me, drown me a wave, the natives will look askance at me, I will flood the rain tacky souvenirs, catch salmonella , I get allergies in the day the SPOC, the night cold, I get a stroke, hay fever, I had a hard bed (or, worse, too soft!), Polish tourists will I make a noise, the children will scream murder, people will piss in the pool, and I zachłysnę and that's all I drink, old people will play bingo, organizers tell me to dance, I play, there are no chicks in bikinis, but the old woman from Germany will be sunbathing topless, ants will come in my pants, I'll eat a fly, I lose the sightseeing, Islamic extremists kidnap me, you will raining, riots erupt, rob me, I will be raped, they will laugh at me, I finished the book, there will be Internet, alligator snaps at me that I will fall ice cream, air conditioning breaks down, brother beats me, fall down on the bike, get diarrhea, Bozi punish me, catch me twitch, I drop trunks, I will discharge the camera, get cavities, it will not czery pin, no one was pleased with my postcards, they will not laugh with my jokes, I forget to give books to the library, run I tiktaki, baton to me to be dissolved, other children will not want to play with me, everyone will have new clothes, and I'm his older brother, tell me to turn off the light and pee standing up, I find my biological father and I will stay a virgin for life.
It will be rental, which I will tell my grandchildren. Or even a cat. In the worst case - imaginary friends.
write something, as I have acceded to the Network + something interesting to say.
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