Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thumb Nail Growth Biting

hot summer is unbearable torture. On one hand, induces people around me to behave in such a way that I like them all a huge pozajebywać, pozapierdalać, chopped, and to throw omelać drains, on the other hand brings uczucie overwhelming heaviness, pumps out all the forces, which would then not want to even do it yourself toast for dinner, let alone talk about zajebywaniu population.

Therefore, I feel stronger and stronger incentive to move as quickly as possible to the closed housing, which in addition to well-kept lawn has another advantage; namely, it is closed.

From slaughtered week did I manage to quietly close my eyes or spend a stress-free evening. Of necessity, because the climate will leave the windows were open wide. What is going on behind the windows, driving me for the umpteenth time, tailoring fury, rage and carpenter mason amok. Damn, pustogłowe dresiarstwo, together (actually in parallel) from robolstwem earners, finishing an apartment building next door, doing a night of popular music recitals. Actually, you do not - do these recitals generously, for the whole street, not just letting music, but also treating it as an accompaniment to their vocal performances, unless the idea is to have a song written by her text. A knife in the pocket opens up and the snake scares, when at 4:00 in the morning outside the window can still hear the radio hits that year's hottest hits from the dancefloor. Intolerable living conditions for this lead me to thinking about immigration with redoubled force. But I can not tell when it's a godsend. I hope that końcoworoczny plan, about which I wrote in my last post, can be achieved. But every conversation you on this topic I'm trying to carry out the wielding Finance House gets me deeper and deeper into depression and promotes a sense of hopelessness of my existence. But still I fight.



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