Study of Love Music of the Spheres My metaphorical being, materialized at peak levels of consciousness, deprived of their lives among forms of energy emanations. Apart from the obvious sensitivity of sharpening my perception of reality, facilitating national dialogue with the unconscious and in-depth understanding of the relationship between Being and non-being, a beneficial effect on my digestive system and intestinal peristalsis. Skum chakra, bitch. Generally I do not recommend you wait too long to study treaties and esoteric studies. Digs tar paper.
While still in such supernaturalnym mood wyśnić happened to me a dream which made me think about the essence of human life, a destination for the wandering souls, and one of the three attributes of God Christian, namely - on love. I will not delve into the details of the night mary, which brought me to these considerations, as it was saturated with elements of personal and niepublikacyjnymi in its content but go straight to the problem.
Love as a concept is undefinable in practice, which acknowledges in his wisdom, even Wikipedia (sic). There However, in literature, and above all, in practice, its various kinds. So we have agape - selfless love, and philia - love the friendly, eros - love romantic sexus - sensual love, and many others, classified at different angles and using different criteria for allocation. However, I love it here in the traditional sense of the word romantic love between two lovers, a feeling of enrichment of each party, leading to mutual development of the people, the anastomosis as the physical and spiritual, giving happiness hope, faith and peace. Also, the fact that love can make a dichotomous division, which necessarily must be accompanied by her from the start - may develop from the intermediate state, which combines elements of each of these two types, which is, indeed, most probably, the most common case occurring in nature. This division, however, contractually, you can call the division for the love of selfish and altruistic love.
selfish love, can not be emphasized at the outset, be confused with a narcissistic love. Narcissistic love for a love of self, and love, for the purpose of this argument, called selfish, is a form of love for another person, but aimed at achieving their own happiness and all the values \u200b\u200bI have described above, as well as others. As also already mentioned, it may be, and often is, a component of romantic love in which we both their happiness and the happiness of our beloved people. Selfish love can, however, disclose at the time of crisis, to which I aspire and for which all this embarrassment. But more about that in a moment.
opposite of love is selfish love I've been baptized as altruistic, which, as you might guess, focuses on the happiness of another person, while marginalized subsistence needs. And my dilemma, which appeared in a dream, is based on the following issue. Which love could be called love more? Which admit the palm of priority and which measured above, when the state of man against his own choice between happiness and the happiness of the beloved?
Suppose a situation exists in the universe as follows: He loves her, she loves him. The feeling between them bloom and grow. At some point, which led the path that we will not consider, she taste of another charity, which finds happiness greater than that which gave her love so far. Then followed the split, which was leading to this recital. Before him are two options: can give or not give her away. In the first variant chooses altruistic love, in the second - selfish love. But you can call them love more?
At the beginning arises probably most of us the answer: of course, love is more altruistic. This is the result of pop-culture propaganda hay by film and literary romance novels about the sources of Semitic! Joke. Arguments for this answer is clear: love willing to sacrifice to be the biggest, is that present to other people's happiness above his own is evidence of true feelings, etc.. HOWEVER - that if we are able to give away the object of our love we have for it is really so great feeling? Is not after all so selfish that love is stronger? That we love so much that we could not live without the other person? We omit in this connection to the needs of these considerations, a number of other reasons, what follows after a time, etc. I can not solve this problem. I do not know how rozwiązałbym it, I personally stood in front of him. Do not know if I could solve it. I'm curious about your opinions on this topic. Anyone who reads this. :)
also crossed my mind that these strange considering they also have applied to the eternal conflict of dog lovers with cat lovers. :) I, for good cause, I could not have a dog because the dog is creating a subordinate, submissive, zapatrzonym in man and obedient man. The cat in turn, is being autonomous, which is produced with a man on an equal level in the discussion. The cat is doing what it wants, the dog is doing what a man tells him. I could not tell the dog. So purely in theory. In practice, probably soon carry on worry, for pragmatic reasons. But I think I would be sorry out any dog \u200b\u200bon a leash and not allow him to smell other people's anal. I prefer wkurwiać the cat who does not want to come when I call him. Can I therefore say that you love cats and dogs altruistically - selfish? This question number two, I think. And so I expect answers from you! Unless you are in deep consideration. It was then not.