Monday, November 3, 2008

How To Bind Orio Cookie

Dzień Wszystkich Świętych (All Saints Day)

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November 1 The All Saint's Day is an extremely important day for the Polish community, making rivalry with days like Christmas. Families gather together, celebrate together and travel to cemeteries. The trade is almost all closed.
We were in Krakow during the day and late afternoon we headed to the cemetery. It was awesome! Even one hour as the sun had set and the cold began to tighten, hundreds of people drifted in and out of the cemetery to pay homage to their loved ones, or recalling the long-known (like the war dead or unknown soldiers), to pray or simply to remind those who are not already here, that is, all that translates into the meaning of "All Saints Day."
The impressive was the atmosphere inside the cemetery. The graves among the trees and the paths and trails, the site has become a place simultaneously calm and deep. But with the amount of candles that people had been on throughout the day, the cemetery becomes a real stage lights dim and mysterious. It was an indescribable experience that I tried to portray in the photo, but it's still difficult to transmit.


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