find myself under pressure. At the two pressures. Perhaps even in three. The number of pressures that lie on me, it is impossible for me to fully know, because, like dogs, I can not look up *.
first of the major pressures that you feel is the pressure of examination. Guided by a mystical sense of central planning at AcaDemon registered with the Good Doctor, is not noticed in time, and then seeing, but not knowing fully the consequences of their actions, that this deadline falls on the tenth kindergarten in January, which date is just around the proverbial belt . In view of the increasing emphasis on my central nervous system, sits on more and more manual and more sad to me that so rarely sits on it, and even when sits down, then from time to time I catch myself thinking about turning furniture, restoration of furniture, arranging furniture, buying furniture, or search for the missing of these furniture.
Another huge pressure that I feel is the pressure of moving and colliding with me interests and values, which are not consistent otherwise than by way of balancing selection and axiological values. Outline a simple seeds of conflicts:
- removals v. exam
- increase in the number of household duties, reduces the time for preparation
- exam v. Female
- I do want to prepare in peace, after which the conditions have convenient at home
- woman working in a place which is closer to one billion of the new apartment of the house than to
- from home all in many places is close to
- feel obliged
- skirt v. pants
- convenience mamusinej pi or e v. hardships independent existence
- what this whore is iron?
Affairs to do in respect of removal is no longer, overall, very little. However, in isolation from the overall progress bar, starting at the raw state property, there is still some matters to attend to, including to bring order and the suspension of the ancient hanger for clothing, assembling cabinets for shoes, the receipt and the suspension of curtains, embracing the appropriate chandelier for the kitchen and dug Lighting mount it (unless you leave the temporary hanging from the ankle incandescent light), clearing the chemical baths, installing shelves for accessories toiletries in the bath, the acquisition of the remaining equipment needed, no internet , transit all instruments, required me to live a dignified live interludes in science (keyboards, saxophone and djembe at least) and probably some other things. And how can you with all of this to form when, in the meantime further test of the Union (except oil), and after the exam on Jan. 10 - two more, 24 and 27 January? Maybe dramatic here, I can say. It sounds, however, especially as it is put in one place, like a lot of action to take. A Host Educational ass me, despite my best efforts, is still not as shallow as it should be.
's frustration.
* reference to the movie prześmiesznego Fri Shaun of the Dead, dir. Edgar Wright
* reference to the movie prześmiesznego Fri Shaun of the Dead, dir. Edgar Wright
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