Monday, October 27, 2008

Can You Use Pancake Mix In A Waffle Iron Uk

[Szczegóły Polakow] The tram stops

Szczegóły Polakow - Details Poles

does not happen at all, just a few. But there is only one already quite strange.
The tram (which could be translated into Portuguese by tram) system is widely used in these parts of Europe, especially here in Poland, where all the big cities where I have gone this transport system. Wroclaw is no exception, and even quite like the railways, with its Soviet air (at least with older vehicles), which have less free will when crowded, when the bumps and curves, disarray in the rails or excessive speed Conductor throws all those who are inside each other.

Actually this post would not talk to the tram itself, but the stops. I did not see any more city I've been so far. In Wroclaw there is at least a couple of tram stops as well, where the tram, circulating in the middle of the roadway, must stop in front of the stop, but where there is no landing platform, ie, between the tram stop and / ride there is a road car. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe stop, there is a marking on the ground indicating that cars should not stop there. When the tram stops for people to escape, then stop the car so that people can cross the road to the comfortable security the ride.

This is where the trouble comes: the comfortable security! Nothing seems more uncertain than this system! What keeps me going out and suddenly distracted from one of these tram stops and catch up with a driver, it also distracted and maybe too fast? Yes, knowing now how are some (some?) Polish drivers, even afraid of these stops!
Well, fear not say. But at least look carefully before you leave, will not be caught by a runaway truck.
What's amazing is that drivers seem to respect the rule and actually stop when a tram approaches. I do not think this would result in Portugal as well!
I wonder whether this is more detail a legacy of the communist era, energy savings and cost, to avoid having to build a landing platform in the middle of the street, or another obscure reason unknown to me. Get out there know ...


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