Children Come and Listen to my pitiful story.
There was a change in my virtual belief. Just as in his youth, being a child of attention seeking and acceptance of universal, exhibited the snout to the world in an encouraging smile, so now, in old age, I began to slowly withdraw from the open spaces, moving the center of their interests and activities to areas more limited, preferably the four walls of safety latch on the door. So too, caused by curiosity, as well as a fun experience in which my antediluvian ujawniało picture as the first result in Google's image search engine by typing the phrase "too little you eat" (!), I wrote to Google your name. Well, it turned out that I am a public figure in the 10 pages of results, which confirmed my belief that something is wrong.
Internet appeared to me in full how treacherous is a place of lurking nieukojonym appetite for more data that a user with ambitions pedantic, like me, carefully entered in specified fields. So here is my Internet users seeking information appears from my actual life, provided by the service, the Polish equivalent of twitter,, and an American service. The latest visual experience were provided by a public albums Picasa Web Albums. My interests and hobbies reveal open-seeking Internet users showcase their Facebook profile and a profile on, where he wrote a review of a CD (which is 2 / 4 people have found it helpful!). Besides, I appeared the profiles of some of my friends from Facebook, just do not know why.
Another group - the garbage variety. Old quasi-blog, which I tried to write in a period of fascination platform jabber - much of it came out, I can not remove it too. For interest I put it here for inspection. :) Next, account for some niche social networking sites, I forgot, because I considered correspondence from them for spam and I did not harass me physically, but my data still be nested in there somewhere. God only, even some "Signatures" that I made the site appeared to insight! Our class. How are logged, the creators website facilitated my case, because under my nose podsunięto stack of regulations, which apparently changed over the last four years of my niebytności on this site, which assiduously turned down, which resulted in an immediate deletion of my account. :) Some topics of the bunch. I did not think even that is displayed. What's going on, I really do not understand. I would be grateful if the this reference is. Magdalena P. relied on me in the hilarious way in his article about Afro Collective. About this I know, because I agreed to do so. But what began to happen then, it passes human understanding. Someone suggested that I do not know who I am, so why should anyone relies on me. Then, in quite a different article, which I had nothing in common, Helena Bonham-Carter said in a comment that I read the poetics of Aristotle in the original, which was not denies. What else is there about me says, I do not know. Nor do I know why. I do not want to be a meme. , (
Some were also made in the search results. Articles that I wrote to the Web, the results of local elections in my department, links to articles in the newspaper faculty. And even in the student newspaper from the time of high school!
are probably the worst part, as follows from the above analysis, social networking sites. Most available information about you without your knowledge. There is such crap, which is called which collects a lot of information about you in one place and available. Just keep the service that shows your friends on facebook, and the devil knows what else, not wczytywałem up. Certainly there are other, their similar mechanisms, but have not found them yet because I did not entered the correct password to search.
Sit, children, and bow over this sad story, and even check whether your pants are not high on the mast, waving flagship somewhere in the vast plains of the Internet.